I've been wondering for awhile whether or not the time was right to submit a jewelry collection to a magazine? Which magazine? I don't keep up with the trends, and I don't often read jewelry magazines even though I know there are some great ones out there. So I talked it over with people whose opinions I valued. Most of them thought it was worth the effort, and even if my submission isn't accepted the first time (or the second) that it would be a good experience. I agreed with them, but generally procrastinated waiting for just the right ideas to come along. It would likely have been another year until I worked up the courage to actually send some pieces for submission.
Then out of the blue one day, I have a message in my Etsy shop from Belle Armoire Jewelry magazine asking if I had an interest in publishing some of my work? Well, that answered my question of which magazine! I was startled and excited and a little afraid it would turn out to be a scam. It wasn't a scam!!! Belle Armoire was really asking to publish my work, and they wanted me to do a technique based article featuring my selections. My article called "Garam Masala", based on my collection of mookaite jewelry, is now in the March 1 issue of Belle Armoire Jewelry magazine.
If there is a lesson here, it is persistence. I'm saying that because there were countless people along my personal journey that thought my choice to be a jewelry designer was frivolous. You know that look on their faces that says, "When are you going to grow up and get a real job?". Although being published one time in a beautiful magazine does not mean fame and fortune or financial stability, it is a definite affirmation that I am on the right track. If you are wondering whether you can succeed at designing jewelry, I would advise you to believe in yourself, try out new techniques, and ultimately develop your own recognizable style. Work hard, and don't be afraid to be different!
A special thanks to Petra Carpreau and Maria Scott, whose artisan components helped to make my bracelet notable!!!
Gloria Ewing
Chrysalis Tribal Jewelry
Chrysalis Too on Etsy
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